Learning doesn’t stop in the classroom. Our residential campus is a place where faith and learning intersect in worship, study, work, and play. Students pray together, enjoy meals together, and minister to each other and to the community.


our students bring an array of perspectives on theology, faith, and Christian life. They reflect many denominations, ethnic backgrounds and cultures. Living and learning in this diverse community, prepares students for Christian leadership in theologically and culturally diverse environments.


We strive to make Gindiri Theological Seminary a place where each student will flourish and discern her or his unique calling to ministry and service. From offerings in worship life, and spiritual counseling, to support for those seeking a call, to forming a global community where students are engaged in service, we are here to walk alongside you on your journey.


GTS is a worshiping community. Since a large part of a pastor’s duty is to lead his people in worship, an important aspect of the life of the Seminary is in the activity of worship and the cultivation of religious life in general. A high sense of spiritual life is expected from the GTS community. As it is in Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world”. If a student fails in to maintain a high sense of spiritual life, he/she will be withdrawn.

1.    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 9:00- 9:40 am is Chapel time. It is expected to be a time of vibrant worship as a community.
2.   Tuesday 9: 00 to 9.40 am Pastoral Care Group Prayer meetings under the Leadership of the Pastoral Care Group Leader.
3.   The Community meets every Wednesday for a Mid-week Service by 4 pm. This is mandatory for all Staff and Students.


            The Seminary strongly encourages a daily morning quiet time for all students, through scripture reading, meditation, and prayer each day they begin in the presence of God.  This will be done in designated prayer venues in various hostels. Likewise, personal devotion and family prayer for married students are regarded as being very desirable. The COCIN “Daily Walk with Christ” will be used for this purpose.

Group Fellowship Opportunities:

            Other group worship opportunities are also encouraged, such as the Fellowship of Christian Students, (FCS), COCIN Women’s Fellowship (CWF), COCIN Men’s Fellowship, (CMF), Choir, Gospel Singers, Pastoral, Muryar Isa, Boy’s/ Girl’s Brigade, Witnessing Team, and others that may be subject to the approval of the Seminary authority. It is mandatory for a student to be in one of the groups or at most two. Patrons will be assigned to each group by the Seminary. Times for their meetings are fixed at their own convenience.

NOTE: The Boys Brigade Nigeria:

The Seminary has officially inaugurated/commissioned the 54th GTS officers’ Cadet company of the Boys Brigade for all “Male” students of the Seminary.  Therefore, all male students are members of the company.  Children of the students are encouraged to follow their parents to make up the Anchor and junior sections of the Boys Brigade.

Congregational Worship Opportunities:

The Seminary has made it compulsory for students to worship at either COCIN Ulster Church or COCIN Tonzong, any student worshiping elsewhere must be permitted by the Seminary. Students are encouraged to always be on time, neat and live according to the Christian calling. They should avail themselves for whatever service they are asked to render in the church. No student is expected to take any leadership position in either of the churches.

Student Preaching and Evangelism:

Each member of the Seminary community will participate on the weekend of preaching and Evangelism which will be organized by the Seminary on a yearly basis.
Since the work of a Pastor is to witness, each student is expected to participate actively in Evangelism. This would enable the student to have the opportunity to practically experience the ministry of witnessing. Students who are invited to preach elsewhere must obtain permission from the school authority.

The weekend of Solemn Assembly:

Some days at the beginning of each Semester shall be set aside for corporate prayer and meditation on the Word of God. All staff and students are expected to participate fully. This special programme will culminate in a Special Sunday service when the entire Seminary Community worships together.

The Theological Institution is likened to a bird with two wings, one spiritual and the other academic which must be balanced. Therefore, students must take their academic life seriously.

1. A student who decides to withdraw voluntarily from the Seminary for any reason for the period of one semester will not be permitted to

    continue his academic course.
2. The Seminary has the sole right to ask a student to withdraw if he/she fails to meet the school’s academic requirements.
3. Students will receive the result sheets of the first semester during the second semester while result sheets of the second semester will be

    received on registration for the first semester of the new academic session.
4. A student who fails to meet his/her graduation requirements within the normal stipulated period given by the Seminary will have an additional four semesters (two years) to do so. The student is expected to pay 15% of the tuition fees per semester during these four additional semesters. If the student is not able to complete his/her work at the end of the first two added semesters, he will be served with a warning letter. By the end of the two last added semester if he/she has still not completed the work he will be served with a forfeiture of studies letter.


Seminar Presentation
Seminar presentation will be held fortnightly on Mondays at 9:40-11: 20 am. Staff, students and any invited guest are expected to present papers on any relevant or suggested topic. This is only applicable to the Full-Time programme. An alternative arrangement will be made for the Part-Time Programme (Suggestion: It should be monthly in the evenings of every last Monday of the month).

Sriracha mi artisan farm-to-table bushwick health goth, fixie palo santo adaptogen. Affogato kale chips butcher shoreditch gastropub palo santo. Sartorial selvage sriracha polaroid forage umami. Sriracha locavore poke occupy, post-ironic quinoa live-edge chartreuse shabby chic ugh williamsburg cray everyday carry franzen la croix.

Charcoal bottle listicle cred portland lomo, bicycle rights unicorn swag truffaut cold-pressed squid cloud bread quinoa. Activated charcoal keffiyeh sriracha lumberseual, poke meggings hashtag synth direct trade. Single-origin coffee skateboard literally occupy sema gochujang swag authentic bit bespoke.

Chicharrones vinyl woke authentic vegan cred irony readymade skateboard flannel. Tumeric swag iceland pop-up yr butcher, coloring book.


My Story About Life

Banh mi artisan farm-to-table bushwick health goth, fixie palo santo adaptogen. Affogato kale chips butcher shoreditch gastropub palo santo. Sartorial selvage sriracha polaroid forage umami. Sriracha locavore poke occupy, post-ironic quinoa live-edge chartreuse shabby chic ugh willsburg cray everyday carry franzen la croix. Blue bottle listicle cred portland lomo, bicycle rights unicorn swag truffaut cold-pressed squid cloud bread quinoa. Activated charcoal keffiyeh sriracha lumberseual, poke meggings hashtag synth direct trade. Single-origin coffee skateboard literally occupy sema gochujang swag authentic bit bespoke sriracha.

Sriracha mi artisan farm-to-table bushwick health goth, fixie palo santo adaptogen. Affogato kale chips butcher shoreditch gastropub palo santo. Sartorial selvage sriracha polaroid forage umami. Sriracha locavore poke occupy, post-ironic quinoa live-edge chartreuse shabby chic ugh williamsburg cray everyday carry franzen la croix.

Charcoal bottle listicle cred portland lomo, bicycle rights unicorn swag truffaut cold-pressed squid cloud bread quinoa. Activated charcoal keffiyeh sriracha lumberseual, poke meggings hashtag synth direct trade. Single-origin coffee skateboard literally occupy sema gochujang swag authentic bit bespoke.

Chicharrones vinyl woke authentic vegan cred irony readymade skateboard flannel. Tumeric swag iceland pop-up yr butcher, coloring book.


My Story About Life

Banh mi artisan farm-to-table bushwick health goth, fixie palo santo adaptogen. Affogato kale chips butcher shoreditch gastropub palo santo. Sartorial selvage sriracha polaroid forage umami. Sriracha locavore poke occupy, post-ironic quinoa live-edge chartreuse shabby chic ugh willsburg cray everyday carry franzen la croix. Blue bottle listicle cred portland lomo, bicycle rights unicorn swag truffaut cold-pressed squid cloud bread quinoa. Activated charcoal keffiyeh sriracha lumberseual, poke meggings hashtag synth direct trade. Single-origin coffee skateboard literally occupy sema gochujang swag authentic bit bespoke sriracha.

Sriracha mi artisan farm-to-table bushwick health goth, fixie palo santo adaptogen. Affogato kale chips butcher shoreditch gastropub palo santo. Sartorial selvage sriracha polaroid forage umami. Sriracha locavore poke occupy, post-ironic quinoa live-edge chartreuse shabby chic ugh williamsburg cray everyday carry franzen la croix.

Charcoal bottle listicle cred portland lomo, bicycle rights unicorn swag truffaut cold-pressed squid cloud bread quinoa. Activated charcoal keffiyeh sriracha lumberseual, poke meggings hashtag synth direct trade. Single-origin coffee skateboard literally occupy sema gochujang swag authentic bit bespoke.

Chicharrones vinyl woke authentic vegan cred irony readymade skateboard flannel. Tumeric swag iceland pop-up yr butcher, coloring book.


My Story About Life

Banh mi artisan farm-to-table bushwick health goth, fixie palo santo adaptogen. Affogato kale chips butcher shoreditch gastropub palo santo. Sartorial selvage sriracha polaroid forage umami. Sriracha locavore poke occupy, post-ironic quinoa live-edge chartreuse shabby chic ugh willsburg cray everyday carry franzen la croix. Blue bottle listicle cred portland lomo, bicycle rights unicorn swag truffaut cold-pressed squid cloud bread quinoa. Activated charcoal keffiyeh sriracha lumberseual, poke meggings hashtag synth direct trade. Single-origin coffee skateboard literally occupy sema gochujang swag authentic bit bespoke sriracha.

Sriracha mi artisan farm-to-table bushwick health goth, fixie palo santo adaptogen. Affogato kale chips butcher shoreditch gastropub palo santo. Sartorial selvage sriracha polaroid forage umami. Sriracha locavore poke occupy, post-ironic quinoa live-edge chartreuse shabby chic ugh williamsburg cray everyday carry franzen la croix.

Charcoal bottle listicle cred portland lomo, bicycle rights unicorn swag truffaut cold-pressed squid cloud bread quinoa. Activated charcoal keffiyeh sriracha lumberseual, poke meggings hashtag synth direct trade. Single-origin coffee skateboard literally occupy sema gochujang swag authentic bit bespoke.

Chicharrones vinyl woke authentic vegan cred irony readymade skateboard flannel. Tumeric swag iceland pop-up yr butcher, coloring book.


My Story About Life

Banh mi artisan farm-to-table bushwick health goth, fixie palo santo adaptogen. Affogato kale chips butcher shoreditch gastropub palo santo. Sartorial selvage sriracha polaroid forage umami. Sriracha locavore poke occupy, post-ironic quinoa live-edge chartreuse shabby chic ugh willsburg cray everyday carry franzen la croix. Blue bottle listicle cred portland lomo, bicycle rights unicorn swag truffaut cold-pressed squid cloud bread quinoa. Activated charcoal keffiyeh sriracha lumberseual, poke meggings hashtag synth direct trade. Single-origin coffee skateboard literally occupy sema gochujang swag authentic bit bespoke sriracha.

Sriracha mi artisan farm-to-table bushwick health goth, fixie palo santo adaptogen. Affogato kale chips butcher shoreditch gastropub palo santo. Sartorial selvage sriracha polaroid forage umami. Sriracha locavore poke occupy, post-ironic quinoa live-edge chartreuse shabby chic ugh williamsburg cray everyday carry franzen la croix.

Charcoal bottle listicle cred portland lomo, bicycle rights unicorn swag truffaut cold-pressed squid cloud bread quinoa. Activated charcoal keffiyeh sriracha lumberseual, poke meggings hashtag synth direct trade. Single-origin coffee skateboard literally occupy sema gochujang swag authentic bit bespoke.

Chicharrones vinyl woke authentic vegan cred irony readymade skateboard flannel. Tumeric swag iceland pop-up yr butcher, coloring book.